Presenting to collectives who want to promote

Love & Liberation

Liberation for who?

The short answer is- Liberation for all. But what does this mean? For me, I dream of a world where people are not suffering under the powerful forces of colonialism and capitalism. The working majority is very often distracted by scarcity and operate in constant survival mode. We are expected to still fulfill extraordinary demands of a greedy world. Sometimes, people just need a moment of radical acceptance that leads to resistance and then healing. We cannot heal until we address the elephants in the room, no one is free if they are silenced and repressed.

Why Ahiela?

    • Bachelor’s of Arts Degree in Psychology with a Concentration in Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies from Clark University

    • Thesis: “The Liberation of Afro-Latinx College Women from Traditional Beauty Standards”

    • Master’s in Education- Bilingual Mental Health Counseling- Teachers College, Columbia University c/o 2023

    • Master’s of Arts in Counseling Psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University c/o 2023

  • CAIC- The Clark Athletics Inclusion Coalition is a continuously running initiative today on campus, created to address the following three pillars- Healing our Communities, Educating- Reaching Out and Policy Change- Activism. We were founded in 2019 because we wanted to address Queer and Trans Inclusion, gender equity and racial inequities.

    Black Student Union Organization, Clark University: September 2019- June 2021

    Organizational Leader- President ‘21

    In the later years of my undergrad, I led an executive board of 20 Black students in the organization, who joined forccs with the Clark University Student Counsil ‘21 we delivered the following liberative efforts amongst univeristy student body, faculty, staff, and stakeholders:

    Anti Tokenization Campaign- The Black Student Union and Student Council Board ‘21 published 10 demands to the university after their underwhelming response to the tragedy of George Floyd. We created a school wide petition for BIPOC students to fill out and rescind their consent to have their picture and likeness on the university website as a form of solidarity and protest.

    Black Lives Matter Vigil- The union held a school wide night vigil to mourn the Black lives lost by gun violence, police brutality, and systemic ignorance and neglect.

    Anti-Campus Police Walkout/ Protest- The union led a campus wide protest and die-in to shed light on how Black students have and continue to be treated on the university’s campus by campus police and administrators. Over 200 students campus wide joined the protest, around 40 faculty and staff joined as well or expressed solidarity.

    Racial Justice Teach In- The Black Student Union and Student Council Board ‘21 organized a week’s worth of panels, discussions, and programming for campus leaders and community members to be informed and collaborate on social justice topics relevant to the sufferings of BIPOC students in universities city-wide. This included an Intergenerational Black Student Panel-highlighting the imperative racial justice work accomplished on campus in the past 30 years.

    Tuition Strike- The Black Student Union and Student Council Board ‘21 launched a tuition strike and a mutual aid fund to address the lack of financial support BIPOC students received as they returned to on-campus learning Fall semester of 2020 with the pandemic still in full effect.

  • Horizons Social Justice Retreat George Washington University -March 2024

    Racial Justice Panelist & Counselor

    Presented to 11 selected students about my strategizing community efforts to mobilize students for a common goal. Led mindfulness techniques and held space for difficult conversations around trauma as an activist at a predominantly white institution.

    Guttman Services Career Development, Guttman Community College CUNY - November 2023

    Panelist - Guttman Community College hosted a career development panel to celebrate Latin American Heritage Month where the students were able to learn about different career paths based on their field of study.

    “BIPOC In STEAM”, Clark University-April 2023

    Mental Health Guest Panelist

    Presented to undergraduate BIPOC students on my experience in graduate school as a Afro-Latina and first-generation student.

    Horizons Social Justice Retreat George Washington University-March 2023

    Racial Justice Panelist

    Presented to 20 selected students about my experiences as an active organizer and advocate for student life and social justice on college campuses.

    Black America Summit II-August 2021


    Moderated a live panel for Black educators and professionals who seek to promote longevity in the careers of Black students in higher education and beyond.

    Black Identities & Study Abroad, Clark University -November 2020

    Co-Host & Moderator

    Led and presented in an informative discussion about how students abroad have navigated their new communities and schools as Black people and students leaving the U.S

Since young I’ve wanted to change the world. I’ve seen the fathers and mothers in my world consistently rise above adversities they fell victim to. As a first-generation family, many of us learned the workings of this country as pioneers, which meant not always being equipped with the language and skill to advocate when faced with racism, classism, xenophobia, police brutality, poverty, domestic and systemic violence. I invite you to explore this website and peek at the work I have done across many industries, positions, jobs, and capacities. This work is what I live and breathe, and I hope you trust me to help you reach some common goals.